Legal Services


The Legal Services Unit of the Federal Ministry of Health is an extension of the Chamber of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; hence it serves as its liaison office.

The mandate of the  Legal Services Unit is to provide high-quality legal services to the Federal Ministry of Health and all its Parastatals and Agencies as expected from the office of the Attorney General of the Federation. It is the legal officer of the Federal Ministry of Health.

To offer quality legal services to the Federal Ministry of Health

To ensure that the Federal Ministry of Health is legally protected in its quest to deliver quality healthcare Services to all Nigerians.

The Unit is headed by the Legal Adviser who is a Director and is assisted by Assistant Legal Advisers who are all Legal officers from the office of the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice. The Unit is also being supported by a complement of administrative staff of the ministry.

i.    Proffering legal advice, and opinions to the Ministry, its Agencies, and Parastatals
ii.    Legal representation of the Ministry and its parastatals and Agencies in various courts all over the Federation including Tribunals and` Panels
iii.    Preparation and vetting of Contract Agreements
iv.    Preparation and vetting of bilateral and Multilateral MOUs
v.    Drafting and vetting legislation for the Ministry and its parastatals
vi.    Interpretation of laws and legislation
vii.    Representation of the Ministry at public Hearings at the National Assembly
viii.    Liaising with the Federal Ministry of Justice
ix.    Membership of Committees of the Ministry
x.    Vetting, confirmation, and release of Advance Payment Guarantees(APGs)
xi.    Serves as the Freedom of Information (FOI) Desk of the ministry
xii.    Maintains custody of the ministry’s official seal