National Mental Health Program


Dr Ojo Tunde Masseyferguson 

Dr Ojo Tunde Massey Ferguson is a consultant psychiatrist and a Global Mental Health expert with over a decade of cognate experience in design and implementation of mental health programmes in resource-constrained settings.  

He had his professional postgraduate qualification with the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN). He also holds a master’s degree in Global Mental Health from King’s College London and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and an MBA in healthcare management.

As the National Coordinator for the National Mental Health Programme at the Federal Ministry of Health and social welfare, he leads the country’s response to the mental health needs of the population.

Our vision

A nation where optimal mental health and wellbeing of all persons is guaranteed.


The mental health wellbeing of every Nigeria shall be continually improved throughout the lifetime through the provision of quality, accessible, affordable, and evidence-based, promotive, preventive and curative mental health services, with the active participation of members of the community and all stakeholders relevant to mental health.

Mandate of National Mental Health Programme                                                                                                   

1. Develop mental health policy, plans and programmes and ensure their implementation.

2. Promote mental health and provide humane care including treatment and rehabilitation in least restrictive environment. 

3. Promote culturally appropriate, affordable, and accessible and equitably distributed, integrated and specialized mental health care that will involve both the public and the private sectors.

4. Agenda setting for mental health research in Nigeria and ensure their implementation.

5. Coordinate intersectoral response to addressing the burden of Mental health, Neurological and Substance use disorder in Nigeria.