To achieve healthier, safer, and easier international movement of people and goods
To provide prompt and effective first-class services in line with the global best practices for the reduction of morbidity, mortality, and disability due to communicable and non-communicable diseases at Points of Entry/Exit (POEs).
1. Disease surveillance activities and measures.
2. Boarding and Inspection of Ships, Aircraft and Land Vehicles.
3. Environmental Health activities e.g. sanitation, pollution control (air, dust, noise) waste disposal, etc,
4. Provision of curative and preventive health care services including referral and laboratory services,
5. Control of food processing and screening of food handlers.
6. Disinfection, disinsection, and decontamination of food and food products, equipment, vessels, premises, luggage, parcels, and second-hand goods.
7. Ad-hoc activities e.g. immunization and issuing yellow cards during pilgrimage or hajj operations.
8. Public health response to disasters (e.g. plane crashes, Deportees, Returnees, refugees, etc)